Morinosato Elementary School

Un peu de curiosite nous a amene a suivre le son de voix et d'encouragements qui faisait croire a un match. Il s'est avere etre un match de football.
Si une aile comme sur la photo regroupe 8 classes, je pense que l'ecole doit en avoir au minimum 24. Avec 5 annees de primaire, il doit y avoir 4~5 classes par annee dans cet etablissement. Moi qui n'ai ete habitue qu'a 1~1-et-demi classe par section de primaire, ca me parait naturellement immense. Ou bien les classes sont en effectif allege, ou bien la renommee fait venir beaucoup ecoliers des alentours mais a l'echelle du quartier, ca me semble un peu grand comme etablissement.

4 commentaires:

  1. nice pictures, we lived across the street from the swimming pool for 4 years and loved it, and have you ever figured out why the owl statues are there? noone could tell me!

  2. Thanks.
    Morinosato is nice place to live, I agree, especially when you have kids. Mines are just big enough to go to the Youchien. My first anniversary in here is about to come.
    The owl statues are still a mystery to me. I just found out that they were made around 1989. Once I will find more about it, I will put it on the blog.
    If you have any recommendation, please tell me.

  3. Your kids are the same age ours were when we were there then. You'll enjoy Christmas in Miyagase by the dam. There is a house which decorates itself for Christmas that is a short drive away (as you go towards the high school past the Sanwa take the 2nd right and follow that road to the 1st light then turn right - the house is very easy to see, also to get back home keep going straight then turn right at the light and you will run into the McDonalds).

    Next year during the summer visit the dam and there is a big park at the bottom (take the bus or walk from the bottom) which has inflatible things in the ground for the kids to jump on. Also nearby is a small dairy farm that is open to the public and has good ice cream. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at fj40dive at gmail dot com.

  4. This week end we have been near by the dam to look at the christmas illuminations. Those are pretty nice even the croud. I will put some pics later.
    You may have experienced the traffic jam, it is just crazy!
    Following your advice, I will check the house. The sanwa area has more illuminations than last year.

    We already been to the farm further times and I agree, the ice cream is good.
