Sisinkai Headquarters

Last fall, I was driving around looking for a spot to eat a bento. I found this road, wide and clean. It looked like an entrance for a temple. Yes, I looked like a temple but I have never seen such kind of architecture in Shinto or Boudhist. This is the headquarters of the Sisinkai. The 思親会 is a new religion of the Lotus sutra system. Religion founded in 1938, feb 11th.
This is the only information I could get so I imagine it as a minor religion.

Here a slideshow from someone who went there during the Sakura


2 commentaires:

  1. you know I lived there for 4 years and have no idea where that is -

    have you taken the kids beetle hunting yet?

  2. You can check the link "Map" at the end of the post. This is not a place aimed to be found. There was absolutely no sign, no ad, nothing.

    No beetle hunting. I wanted to do so. But the really hot weather, the mosquitos and the fact that we got two big beetles right in our garden, did not help our motivation.

    Unfortunaltly, my kids played so much with them that they did not close the box well. They left 3 days after we found them!
