Tout ca pour dire qu' il y a deux~trois semaines (date de mes photos), une pousse de nouvelles affiches ainsi que le renouvellement d'autres ont attire mon attention. Elections proches ou simple campagne continuelle, toujours est-il que ce changement brusque s'est fait dans les deux camps.
Ici Kamei.
Et la Gotô
Enfin le face a face
Hiratsuka Sogo Park
The Hiratsuka Sogo Koen is a huge park with different sport facilities such as a Ballpark, a Stadium or a Swimming pool. But we went there for the kids, let them enjoy the playground and the mini-zoo.
The place is easy to reach from Morinosato, almost a straight line, about 20km. Once we parked, we went trough an athletics ground for adults to keep a healthy body. We had a picnic in the middle of the playground. Many impressive games like this kind of tree that kids can climb, more than 12m for sure.
The mini-zoo shows further kind of birds, monkeys and farm animals. We started by a pony ride. You need a 100Y ticket that you get in a vending machine. 3 sessions a day. For his first time, my boy did two rides of 2min, maybe less.
Then we went to carry the hamsters, mice, rabbits... I guess you can buy some food to feed the animals but we did not look for it. This was also the first time. really cute and they enjoyed it so much. The place is not impressive but just good enough to let small child play with the animals.
Kids a bit tired, kids in the baby car so we walked around to check the place. Will we be back there or not? The park includes a little Japanese garden. Cute and calm (and free). If you just want to have look, it might not take more than 10min. Not far, an artificial rocky river for kids to play with water during the hot summer.
Then we walked back to the main playground. There is a separated place with games for little kids so you are not afraid for them to brake something. To conclude, I would say it is a really nice place to bring kids or anybody to do sports. The playground itself is not better then the Bousai no Oka Park but a bit different. The good point will be the mini-zoo.
Sogo Park Official HP with map (jp)
Zoo page with hours and fees (entrance free, pony 100Y/ride) (jp)
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Hiratsuka Sogo Park |
Un collegue m'en avait vente quelques merites, une emission locale avait fait le tour de quelques centres d'interets... Rien.
petite patisserie apparue dans l'emission Kanagawa Appaare sur TVK
Le bord de mer est le repere des Surfers. Surfer-bar, surfer-cafe, surfer-restaurant... parseme les petites rues.
Quand on arrive enfin sur la plage deserte malgre les vacances, on se trouve au milieu de poteaux electriques ou sont juches corbeaux et aigles prets a derober votre bento. La plage est bordee de vieux hangars, vieux immeubles et vieux magasins qui ne doivent leur salut qu'a des prix exorbitants (comme le parking a 1000Y la journee). Pourtant on se trouve devant LE spot touristique de Chigasaki...
...un petit caillou au large de Southern Beach. Un anglissisme qui cache mal la misere. Pour l'anecdote, l'US Navy s'entrainait au tir lors de la derniere Guerre. Ca serait maintenant symbole d'amour : the lovers spot.
On arrive a voir Enoshima. Il vaut mieux passer sa journee la-bas.
Chigasaki park. Je crois que ce n'etait pas plus complique que ca. Tout neuf mais minuscule parc qui juxtapose un stade de baseball.
Children's Hall
Les ecoles et les creches ont tres souvent des bestioles pour occuper les enfants. Ils apprennent a s'en occuper et jouent avec. On a en general dans les maternelles des lapins, des hamsters, des tortues, des petits oiseaux, des poissons. D'autres etablissements plus spacieux ont meme des chevres (vu!) et j'imagine que certains doivent avoir encore plus impressionnant. Les maternelles sont dans leur grande majorite privees et avoir une plus ou moins grande animalerie est un bon point sur le CV.
Mon gosse etait a l'epoque dans une creche en centre-ville et le manque de place n'autorisait pas d'animaux. Ils avaient tout de meme une panoplie de petits insectes comme deux trois grillons en ete qui donnaient le la tout au long de la journee.
Rolls Cemetery
Inside the Osanbashi pier, there is a Parking lot. At the end, you can find about 8 Rolls Royce (7 and 1 Bentley to be exact) well or not preserved. Even more, there was another one under coverat the entrance. Pretty weird. And the parking is not free.
I went to the Osanbashi pier where a free stamp rally was held through a huge room of cardboard boats, more than hundred of them, made by kids and I felt pretty cool. Some of them looked like sculptures. I gave up the stamp rally to spend time watching the work. The hot weather and the crazy croud push me to have a rest on the green top of Osanbashi.
La Machine
Then comes the time to enjoy the "real" events, especially La Machine's Princess in the Hajimari no Mori Event Square. I was a bit wondering if 2,400¥ are worth the event... I will tell you later. Anyway, I did a long route to come and I really wanted to see the spider. 2,400¥ after I was in. You can be really close of the Princess when she is asleep then you are asked to move back for the performance. The wait started 40min before with annoying explanations all along : "please do not cross the line, please do not touch the string, please do not stand here, please be careful, please be aware that you may be sprayed with water..." うるさい! I waited and get a nice spot even though it was tight. The show is impressive, the machine comes over you making a nice perspective and the movements are like a dance.
To be honest, I was expecting more magic and a longer performance, 20min only. It is impossible to hear the music, kind of ironic after 3/4h of yelling staff. For details, the staff is all Japanese and the other machine is not on site, they must do a turnover. The Hajimari no Mori Event Square also has a food court (I did not get the concept to pay to just enter a restaurant and pay again for your piece of meat), a Tale of Yokohama (from Commodore Perry to today, interesting), the ENEOS Energy Future Pavilion (sponsor... that's all) and another tent with too many people, something about Milk !?
The event stops at 10pm so I had plenty of time to enjoy other shows with . I went to the Nissan Dream Front but the 60min queue made me give up. Same for the Baton anime in the Tomorrow Park, 45min of queue and the baby car not allowed in the line 信じられない! So I waited 40 min to get the best spot for the Earth Balloon movie while my boy was sleeping. The movie is only 5min... The Tomorrow Park has a Convenient Store inside (same concept as the restaurant : you pay to get inside and you pay to get your stuff)
Either you are ready to run everywhere and wait to get the best spots so you should pay for the 2,400¥ entry fee, either you do not mind being a little behind and then you can see everything from outside, 0¥ and no fight. The organization is high level. Security every corner, staff every square meter but I have to conclude that it does not worth so much money and energy. At least do not go with small kids.
Golden Week & ETC
- 29 avril - Shōwa no Hi (昭和の日, Jour de naissance de l'Empereur Shōwa)
- 3 mai - Kempō Kinen Bi (憲法記念日, Jour de Commémoration de la Constitution)
- 4 mai - Midori no Hi (みどりの日, Jour de la Nature)
- 5 mai - Kodomo no Hi (子供の日, Jour des enfants) wikipedia
Nombreux sont les salarymens qui font le pont au point que nombreuses entreprises ferment la semaine. L'horreur, c'est que tout le Japon est en vacances en meme temps. Ainsi, les embouteillages doublent ou triplent vos temps de parcours et n'importe quel endroit a l'interet touristique meme ridicule est pris d'assaut. Une vrai folie furieuse poussee a l'extreme par la mesure "autoroute pas chere" de tarification unique. 1000¥, hors voies peri-urbaines, pour aller n'importe ou. Plutot sympa non ? pour peu que vous ayez souscrit a l'ETC (Electronic Toll Collection System).
L'ETC est pour faire simple (sinon wikipedia) un moyen de paiement electronique par carte a puce. On l'obtient en general par sa banque ou en complement d'une carte de credit et n'engage pas ou tres peu de frais. Elle permet d'avoir un petit pourcentage de reduction en semaine et un plus gros (10~20%) la nuit et les week ends.
Elle prend tout son interet avec l'installation d'un lecteur et son antenne qui permettent de passer les nombreux peages sans s'arreter.
Une chose peu connue est qu'il n'est pas necessaire d'avoir le lecteur pour profiter de la mesure. La carte suffit et on la donne au guichetier. Les ruptures de stock recentes font augmenter les prix et retardent l'installation. Il est quand meme bien de l'avoir si on loue une voiture, si on s'en fait preter une ou si on ne conduit que trop occasionnellement sur autoroute. Un autre avantage a passer par le guichetier avec sa carte, c'est d'obtenir un recu dans l'immediat et eviter ainsi la fin du mois pour les notes de frais ou le partage des frais d'une viree entre amis.