C'est la fete a la grenouille

Voila ce que j'ai trouve sur le petit muret qui borde la porte d'entree du jardin. Alors que je rangeais mon velo sous la pluie, j'ai d'abord vu cette forme flasque avant d'identifier la bete. Mon portable ne prenant pas de photo extraordinaire, voila ce que j'ai pu en tirer.

Il ne fait pas beau l'ete au Japon

Le temps est gris pourri, il pleut souvent, il fait deja chaud, presque 30 degres. Beta-beta. Ca signifie moite. On l'est des qu'on fait un semblant d'effort.
Mon parapluie en plastique transparent est mon meilleur ami.
Je regarde le foot. Je suis derriere Japon car il n'y a plus que ca a supporter pendant que les francais font le menage dans leurs rangs.

Youchien entering ceremony

I figured out that I uploaded the picture since a while but never edit the post to you. This happened in April. This is the enter ceremony for the Youchien. My kid was already there since last september but never attend the ceremony. A premiere for him and us but no big deal.

Soccer in Morinosato Shougakko

I already shown you a soccer game in the Morinosato Elementary school. Now my kid is entering the "pre-class", a training for kids who are still in Kindergarten which happen to be the same time. This a voluntary class, totally free of charge with a basic promise to enter the club when the kids enter the school.
I got the whole soccer, I should say football player set. Socks, shoes, shirt and pants... I though it would be fun to get an official French shirt but this is crazy expensive, even for kids! Actually, I was well inspired. At least, I got an official Adidas ball with French colors, last week so it was discount!! hehehe.

We park the car behind the school. This is kind of scary when it is empty.

Summer taste

A preview of Morinosato's summer. Please feel the fresh air, the sunny sky from the pictures. It will end soon... As the shots are about 2 weeks old, it may be already too late. The wet, hot and cloudy weather is over my head.

Entrance to the Wakamiya Park


Golf is popular in Japan. It even has a booming popularity since young japanese players are doing pretty well amoung the international pro tour, either men or women. For example, Ishikawa Ryo or Yokomine Sakura. If you've already been to Japan, haven't you ever seen some Salarymen exercising their swing shot on a train station platform? I am sure you did.

I found this umbrella in the 100¥ shop in the Yamada Denki Techland building. Japanese making fun of Japanese. Pretty good sense of humor, no? Following, a now old campaign of Tokyo Metro asking those salarymen to stop training in the subway.


La route est belle, bordee de rose. Ca remonte a quelques semaines car oui, je n'ai pas mis ce blog a jour depuis longtemps, boulot oblige. Les Azalees sont partout et ca rend le trajet matinal plus agreable.

Vue sur l'entrée de Morinosato. Je n'ai toujours pas compris ce que ces installations pouvaient représenter.